Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bye-Bye, Onesies

Putting away my kids'clothes for good (or till whenever another comes around) is always a sad time for me. The stark reality that my kids are growing up. Some of their milestones were achieved in them, like Hudson's ratty old green shirt from a garage sale that now contains sentimental value because he first walked in it. And the cool red tennies he wore with it. Sniff....sniff

Today I packed away some preemie clothes that Isabella will never ever ever have to wear again. But I wasn't sad this time. I was rejoicing! I hope the next time I will ever have to take them out will be to give to her dolls one day for dress up. (Her doll, Olive LuLu, is currently modeling one of Bella's tops she wore the first two months of life).

Friday, January 1, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! We finished the year off well and feel pretty well-rested. Nothing like a slow, relaxing finish! We celebrated Christmas with Jesse's family and then headed out to Colorado to be with mine. It really is a blessing to love and look forward to being with each other's families so much. Jesse's parents and grandmothers are like my own and he loves and cherishes my family like his own.

The kids had a blast. Both of them are five star travelers - not a cry from either of them on the 8 hour trip both ways. Hudson spent his time creatively in the car, listening to some fun jazz music given by his Uncle Ben and Tita Crystal, thumbing through picture books and drawing. This trip we read about three fourths from Tales of the Kingdom. If you have a 4 year old, its the perfect story-telling book. I still love reading it myself. Isabella slept or gazed out the window. Occasionally, she would stick her tongue out at Hudson. He always thought it was intentional and that made him laugh.

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